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Dr. John Mulinde
Abstract Clouds


A collection of powerful and anointed teachings to help equip the saints 

Dr. John Mulinde


Rev. Dr. John W Mulinde is the Founder and Global Overseer of World Trumpet Mission,  World Trumpet Mission, an international ministry that promotes transforming revival globally, has been a part of the work of transformation that God has brought about in the nation of Uganda and in nations all over the world. John has been called by the Lord to “Blow the Trumpet” in the nations, calling the church to repentance and preparing the Body of Christ for the day of the Lord’s return. He has been traveling for the past few decades, sharing this message throughout the world. Dr. Mulinde is working to mobilize a movement in the global Body of Christ-- i.e. individuals, groups, churches, ministries, and organizations— to complete the Great Commission within this generation entitled as GO NATIONS.

John and his wife Sheila have nine children and live in Kampala, Uganda.



Founded in 1988 by Dr. John Mulinde, World Trumpet Mission has its roots in the jungles of Uganda, where travailing prayer during oppressive government dictatorships birthed a movement that brought about the transformation of the whole nation. It has grown to be an international, interdenominational ministry with a global mission and mandate to ‘blow the trumpet’ of the impending Day of the Lord, awakening and equipping the Church, and provoking them to finish Christ’s mission to the nations.


GO NATIONS is a movement to mobilize the Body of Christ-- i.e. individuals, groups, churches, ministries, and organizations— to complete the Great Commission

within this generation.

God did not send us to build our own kingdoms but to bring

His Kingdom on earth.

Matthew 28:18-20


"Sound the trumpet in Jerusalem! Raise the alarm on my holy mountain! Let everyone tremble in fear because the day of the Lord is upon us."

- Joel 2:1

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  • Daily commentaries to correspond with Bible readings 

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Read the Bible daily with a global community of followers of Jesus Christ seeking the truth of His Word as the Holy Spirit leads.


A Clarion Call to the Church
in ALL Nations to Fulfill
the Great Commission 
in this Generation

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Using technology to fulfill the great commission


BOOKS BY: Dr. John Mulinde

The Midnight Call by John Mulinde

I was in a place where I was seeking the truth, and why the churches were living in hypocrisy. As I got familiar with this book, it transformed my life and gave me a sense of direction as a messenger of God.
The Body of Christ has been deceived with its purpose in this world by even the churches we attend.

-Hanniford Mcleod

Use the arrows to scroll through books- Click on book title to find on AMAZON.COM

Joel 2:1


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 "Since we have these promises, beloved, let us cleanse ourselves from every defilement of body and spirit, bringing holiness to completion in the fear of God."


- 2 Corinthians 7:1


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